I'm taking a moment out from our regularly-scheduled farm news to talk about something I see every day and which has come to a head for a fellow blogger and homesteader. Jenna Woginrich has been writing a blog at Cold Antler Farm for years, cataloging her life and exploration of homesteading - all the while sharing every aspect of her life without restraint.
Her blog is fun to read, often beautiful, and all-encompassing. She writes both about her successes and her failures, most poignantly about those times when failure or misstep results in the loss of an animal under her care.
The bottom line is, it happens. Even the most conscientious, most compassionate farmer will lose an animal now and then. Individual life is tenuous - even more so when that life is mute and generally unable to express its pain or discomfort. Sadly, the latest to depart Jenna's farm is her old cat, George. George had a good long life, even before coming to Jenna. She gave him a warm hearth, a soft bed, and many many birds to watch through the windows. It was simply his time and all evidence is that he went peacefully.
Sadly, some of her readers have taken it upon themselves to "instruct" her in how she should have cared for George. They have blamed her outright for his death and said some very awful things about her ability and desire to care for animals "properly."
I see it all the time - people making comments on the web that in person would be unthinkable. Painful things said, awful names called, all in the name of internet freedom. Why is it that so many think that words typed into a computer are not restricted by the tenets of good manners? Why is it okay to destroy a person online when (I hope) most would never think of doing so to a person's face?
Now and then I despair for the human race. Network news makes me feel that way. Television commercials make me feel that way. Dealing with my mortgage company makes me feel that way. So do things like this. Hate and ugliness are just so sad. So very, very sad.
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