We are no longer in the City.
I can't begin to express how good that feels to write (or say). We've pulled up stakes, packed our various and sundry belongings, and traded loud trucks and angry drivers for endless pine trees and deer in our yard.
To be fair, we moved a while ago. We've been in our new place for a couple months now and after all this time it is just starting to feel like a reality. I no longer fumble in the dark to find the door to the bathroom in the mornings, I no longer search for the latest random place where I left my keys. I'm still kicking the dog-food container every time I go through the laundry room, but I'm kicking it more gently these days.
Aside from this, three months later and we're still not settled in. We still have way too many boxes leaning together in huddled silence in our garage. The shop is populated by little groups of my tools and garden stuff, waiting to be organized and given a home.
Honestly, the chaos of our new home has more to do with happenstance than general laziness (though I'm sure there is some of that - it's been a long summer). We are as busy as always, working a day job for which I leave early and arrive home late, various little medical issues that seem to always crop up when we need to get things done, school and sports and cubscouts for the kids, one of the most difficult breeding seasons we've had yet on the farm (darn it, girls, get pregnant already!) - all conspiring to leave little time and less energy for the inevitably onerous job of unpacking and setting up shop and a home.
Winter is coming. We will get it done. We have to.
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