January 27, 2011

Sick of the Rush

I was outside this morning chopping up the next round of cardboard boxes for the recycling bin (there are a lot of them when you live states away from family and Christmas has just come and gone) when I was blasted by noise from not one but two full-sized semi trucks whooshing by my house, followed closely by an impatient, engine-revving line of commuters trying desperately to get to work on time.  It struck me how much I have come to dislike the hustle and bustle of city life.  Sure, it's very nice being able to pop down to any of three grocery stores within five minutes of my home.  The availability of good restaurants and entertainment is nice as well.  But I'm just sick and tired of the noise and the constant rush rush rush.  Everyone is in a hurry. Everyone is trying to get somewhere desperately, almost always by car, and anyone who is not in as much of a rush as they are is "in the way."

Seeing as how my primary mode of conveyance, a full-sized pickup truck named Angus, gets about 10 miles to the gallon, I try as much as possible to keep the RPMs under 2,000 when driving .  This means it takes me a bit more time to get going at green lights and it also means that I most often can be found going the speed limit or less.  You would think that I was going five miles an hour by the attitude of drivers behind me.  How dare I go the speed limit!

Ah, well.  This, as is so much else, is temporary.  Some day soon we will leave this metropolitan utopia behind for the country.  I can't wait.

Thanks for tolerating my rant today.  I appear to be in a mood.

1 comment:

  1. I love this:
    "Everyone is in a hurry. Everyone is trying to get somewhere desperately, almost always by car, and anyone who is not in as much of a rush as they are is 'in the way.'"

    This is so well put! I live in Minneapolis, MN, near downtown, and I don't have a car. I definitely feel "in the way" when trying to cross streets even with a crosswalk signal. People really need to slow down their lives, and it feels like it would take a major cultural shift to make that happen. Like, instead of 9:00 to 5:00, it should be 9:00-ish to 5:00-ish. What a change that would make in our societal mind-set.
