Sittin' Porch - Keith House |
We continued to work at our own paces throughout the day. I was happy to see that I'm keeping up well. It takes me a while to pick up a new song and make it sound right, but I'm not lost and I can typically muddle my way through anything David throws at us.
Something I have noticed here - something that truly stands out in my mind - is the trust given to the students. Doors are generally unlocked, rooms are left open, and access is maintained - trusting that the students will behave honorably and respectfully. And they do! For example, the dining hall is scheduled - we all wait patiently for the big bell to be rung before filing in for meals. However, the doors are left unlocked and access is free. If you need to use the restroom before a meal, you don't have to leave the rush to get in after the bell - the door is open and you can slip in before the bell and then back out to the line to get in.
The Walkway to Keith House from the Studio |
In class we worked together as a group today - something I really enjoyed. We played both Cripple Creek and Old Joe Clark as a group at a slow enough speed that the slowest of the group (namely me) could keep up. Actually, Old Joe Clark is coming along nicely, save for that damn F chord. I can almost play Cripple Creek at speed, which is remarkable given the fact that its the first song in which I have been able to get a passable drop thumb working.
This evening included a special personal event. A gentleman from another class dropped by while it was only Allie and I practicing. He had brought along his mandolin and he wanted to see if we wanted to play a few songs. This was truly the first time I had ever jammed with anyone and while I couldn't play with all the songs he knew, there were a few we all knew together. It was awesome. We all hesitated and made mistakes but we all three enjoyed ourselves and the quiet applause of his wife was reward enough. It wasn't until he left that I realized that I hadn't gotten his name. Oh well.
Looking North from the Studio |
After watching for a bit, it was off to bed for me. Two more days of bliss and it's back to the great white north for me.
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