January 25, 2011

Shame On Me

To say we've been busy would be something of an understatement, even for us.  My wife spent last weekend at the Priority Auction in Las Vegas.  It was amazing to learn that so many people in the alpaca world are just like she is - giving, friendly, outgoing, and more than happy to share what they have with anyone who needs it.  She made all kinds of good contacts, had a good time as well, and came back with a line on a new cria that, come summer, may be ours for a good deal. 

For my part, I took care of chickens, children, and all the alpacas at SuperSuris.  I scooped poop, fed, did some minor treatment of goopy eyes and administration of thyroid meds to two crias that seem not to gain weight no matter how much they eat, in addition to taking my daughter to 4H and keeping a five year old from going crazy with boredom.  I mean, you can only watch "Lady and the Tramp" so many times before you go insane, right?

And yet, with all the craziness, it was a successful weekend.  My wife learned a lot and gained a lot of experience in the alpaca world.  All of the SuperSuris' animals were healthy and happy when the Walkers returned home, and my kids had a good weekend in spite of all the work.  My wife is exhausted, I am slightly more exhausted, but there are 180+ happy alpacas humming contentedly away.  We done good.

So why shame on me?  Well, because I neglected this blog for five whole days.  Such things can kill blogs and I've done it to myself.  I promise to do better in the future.

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