October 21, 2010

The Strange Sounds of a Spokane Fall

It must finally be fall.  Mornings are crisp, evenings are cold and dark, and our days alternate between fast moving overcast layers and sunny brightness that deceives the casual observer as to its actual warmth.  The leaves are giving up life-giving chlorophyll, shutting down for the winter and getting ready to drop sedately to the ground.  And yet, none of these things herald fall in Spokane so much as the steady tuk-tuk-tuk of the air compressors and the geysers of water and air blowing out of random sprinklers throughout town.  It’s this time of year that every contractor’s truck suddenly sprouts a tow-behind compressor and lawns grow the oddest mushrooms that look distinctly like signs advertising “$25 Sprinkler Blow-Out!!!”

It’s definitely fall today.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely description. I could see it very clearly in my mind!
